Volunteer Spotlight: USO MEPS

In 2021, USO New York proudly opened the USO MEPS center in the largest Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) in the country located on Fort Hamilton Army base in Brooklyn, NY. This center allows the USO to briefly introduce themselves to the young men and women applying to and joining the U.S. Armed Forces. From day one, USO volunteers have been the force behind the forces, supporting these applicants as they take their first steps in their military career.

From 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM every Monday – Friday, volunteers open the USO doors and provide MEPS applicants with snacks, drinks, toiletries or maybe just a bit of friendly conversation to help lighten the rigorous day. “It’s amazing what a cup of coffee, a snack, and a smile can mean to these recruits as they take their first step towards serving our country” said Lia Pesce, a regular USO MEPS volunteer.

After taking their oath and as they line up to board their bus to basic training, USO volunteer hand each “shipper” a bag with USO information and goodies for their travels. These bags are handmade daily by volunteers at the MEPS center. Applicants are grateful to know that the USO will always be a welcome environment after their visit to the USO MEPS center. This could not be done without the presence of our USO volunteer team.

Like many of our USO centers, the doors could not be open without the time and dedication volunteers give to the USO. Without them, the USO could not complete it’s mission of keeping America’s service members connected to family, home, and country, throughout their service to the nation.

For more information on New York MEPS, please click here.
Interested in volunteering? Visit volunteers.uso.org.
For questions on USO MEPS and our programs, please email jmorse@uso.org.

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